
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2021-12-26 22:09:45


Export it to a .sql file and import to the new database.

在phpMyAdmin中,单击要导出的数据库,单击导出,选中另存为文件,然后单击 go .

In phpMyAdmin click the database you want to export, click export, check save as file, then go.


Then upload it to the new database that you want to duplicate the data in.

从严格的PHP角度讲,我可以想到的唯一方法是使用SHOW TABLESdescribe {$table}返回记录的所有字段名称和结构,解析出来,创建您的create table语句,然后遍历每个表并创建insert语句.

In a strict PHP sense, the only way I could think to do it would to be use of SHOW TABLES and describe {$table} to return the all the field names and structures of the records, parse that out, create your create table statements, then loop through each table and create insert statements.

恐怕我能为您做的***的就是一种 prototype 代码,我想这将是难以置信的服务器密集型代码,这就是为什么我建议您选择替代路线.

I'm afraid the best I can do for you is a sort of prototype code that I would imagine would be incredibly server intensive, which is why I recommend you go an alternate route.



    // connect to first DB

    $tables = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES") or die(mysql_error());
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($tables)) {
        foreach($row as $value) {
            $aTables[] = $value;
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($aTables as $table) {
        $desc = mysql_query("describe " . $table);
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($desc)) {
            $aFields[$i][] = array($row["Field"],$row["Type"],$row["Null"],$row["Key"],$row["Default"],$row["Extra"]);

    // connect to second DB

    for ($i = 0; $i < count($aTables); $i++) {

        // Loop through tables, fields, and rows for create table/insert statements

        $query = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$aTables[$i]} (
                //loop through fields {

                    {$aFields[$i][$j][0]} {$aFields[$i][$j][1]} {$aFields[$i][$j][2]} {$aFields[$i][$j][3]} {$aFields[$i][$j][4]} {$aFields[$i][$j][5]},
                    {$aFields[$i][$j][0]} {$aFields[$i][$j][1]} {$aFields[$i][$j][2]} {$aFields[$i][$j][3]} {$aFields[$i][$j][4]} {$aFields[$i][$j][5]},
                    {$aFields[$i][$j][0]} {$aFields[$i][$j][1]} {$aFields[$i][$j][2]} {$aFields[$i][$j][3]} {$aFields[$i][$j][4]} {$aFields[$i][$j][5]},
                    {$aFields[$i][$j][0]} {$aFields[$i][$j][1]} {$aFields[$i][$j][2]} {$aFields[$i][$j][3]} {$aFields[$i][$j][4]} {$aFields[$i][$j][5]},

            //loop through data

            $query .= 'INSERT INTO {$aTables[$i]} VALUES';
            $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM " . $aTables[$i]);
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                    $query .= '(';
                foreach ($aFields[$i][0] as $field) {

                    $query .= '"{$row[$field]}",';
                $query .= '),';



This is based off of this script which may come in handy for reference.


Hopefully that's something to get you started, but I would suggest you look for a non PHP alternative.