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更新时间:2022-05-10 22:37:05

了解您想从 XML 中挑选出哪些内容非常重要.有 elementsattributes - 以及元素标签之间的浮动 texttext() 节点.执行此操作以查看原理:

It is very important to understand, what content you want to pick out of an XML. There are elements and attributes - and the floating text between element tags, the text() node. Execute this to see the principles:

    <AnElement ID="1" AnAttribute="The attribute''s content">The element''s content</AnElement>
    <AnElement ID="2" AnAttribute="Only the attribute" />
    <AnElement ID="3">Text only</AnElement>
    <AnElement ID="4" AnAttribute="nested children">
        <child>This is the child''s content</child>
        <child>One more child</child>
    <AnElement ID="5" AnAttribute="nested children">
        This is text 1 within the element
        <child>This is the child''s content</child>
        This is text 2 within the element
        <child>One more child</child>
        This is text 3 within the element

SELECT elmt.value(N'@ID',N'int') ID
      ,elmt.value(N'@AnAttribute',N'nvarchar(250)') TheAttribute
      ,elmt.value(N'text()[1]',N'nvarchar(250)') TheFirstText
      ,elmt.value(N'text()[2]',N'nvarchar(250)') TheSecondText
      ,elmt.value(N'child[2]/text()[1]',N'nvarchar(250)') TheFirstTextWithinChild2
      ,elmt.value(N'.',N'nvarchar(250)') AS FullNodeContent
FROM @xml.nodes(N'/root/AnElement') AS A(elmt);

提示: 尝试只选择最后一个 (value(N'.'),N'nvarchar(250)') 并将输出发送到纯文本.这包括空格和换行符!

Hint: Try to pick just the last one (value(N'.'),N'nvarchar(250)') and send the output to plain text. This includes spaces and line breaks!

text()(一个元素中可能有更多的 text() 节点!)只是另一种节点,即将到来没有周围的标签.

The text() (there may be more text() nodes within one element!) is just another kind of node, coming without surrounding tags.



Select @xml.query('/InstanceSecurity/Folder/Authorization[@Mode="Simple"]')

这将返回所有 节点(xml 类型!),其中属性Mode"的内容为Simple"

This returns all <Authorization> nodes (xml typed!) where the attribute "Mode" has the content "Simple"

(你忘记了模式"前的 @!)

SELECT @xml.value('(/InstanceSecurity/Folder/Authorization/@Mode)[1]','nvarchar(100)')
(You forgot the @ before "Mode"!)


This returns the value of the attribute. In the case above this is "Simple"


I do not really know what you want, but one of the following should point you the way


--Returns the first value of attribute @Mode at the given path

SELECT InstanceSecurity.value(N'(/InstanceSecurity/Folder/Authorization/@Mode)[1]',N'nvarchar(250)')
FROM Cases;

--如果您的 XML 可能包含多个 ,这将返回它们的所有 @Mode 属性

--If your XML might include more than one <Authorization>, this would return all their @Mode attributes

SELECT auth.value(N'@Mode',N'nvarchar(250)')
FROM Cases
OUTER APPLY InstanceSecurity.nodes(N'/InstanceSecurity/Folder/Authorization') AS A(auth);

--这将返回 - 在许多情况下 - 所有 元素,其中 @Mode 为简单"

--This returns - in cases of many - all <Authorization> elements where the @Mode is "Simple"

SELECT auth.query(N'.')
FROM Cases
OUTER APPLY InstanceSecurity.nodes(N'/InstanceSecurity/Folder/Authorization[@Mode="Simple"]') AS A(auth);

--这将返回表中至少有一个 @Mode 值为 "Simple"

--And this returns all table's rows where at least one @Mode has the value "Simple"

FROM Cases
WHERE InstanceSecurity.exist(N'/InstanceSecurity/Folder/Authorization[@Mode="Simple"]')=1

最终提示:您可以用 sql:variable("@VarName") 替换 XQuery 中的文字值sql:column("ColumnName").

Final hint: You can replace a literal value within XQuery with sql:variable("@VarName") or with sql:column("ColumnName").