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How to fix Xcode 4.3 Organizer Crash

更新时间:2022-09-05 14:04:10

How to fix Xcode 4.3 Organizer Crash

After downloading the new Xcode (4.3.2) I couldn’t get into the organizer’s Device Manager. Xcode crashed whenever I tried. It turns out that I had a few untrusted certificates in my keychain. This seems to be a problem for the new version of Xcode.

To remove them:

Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access (your default keychain should already be selected).

From the Category list select “Certificates” (not “My Certificates”). Anything that doesn’t have the green checkmark next to “This certificate is valid” needs to go. even self signed certs.

Restart Xcode and it works.

