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如何在ASP.net Core中编写自定义模型绑定程序的单元测试

更新时间:2022-02-16 22:30:40


I have created the unit test with Nunit (which is almost the same withy XUnit) and I mocked dependencies with Moq. There might be some errors due to online C# compiler but code shown below will give you the idea.

public class BindModelAsyncTest()
    private JourneyTypesModelBinder _modelBinder;
    private Mock<ModelBindingContext> _mockedContext;

    // Setting up things
    public BindModelAsyncTest()
        _modelBinder = new JourneyTypesModelBinder();
        _mockedContext = new Mock<ModelBindingContext>();

        _mockedContext.Setup(c => c.ValueProvider)
            .Returns(new ValueProvider() 
                // Initialize values that are used in this function
                // "IsSingleWay" and the other values

    private JourneyTypesModelBinder CreateService => new JourneyTypesModelBinder();

    public Task BindModelAsync_Unittest()
        //We set variables in setup function.
        var unitUnderTest = CreateService();

        var result = unitUnderTest.BindModelAsync(_mockedContext);

        Assert.IsTrue(result is Task.CompletedTask);