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资源解释为样式表,但转换为MIME类型text / html(似乎与web服务器无关)

更新时间:2022-06-24 15:10:21


i'd like to start by understanding the problem


Browsers make HTTP requests to servers. The server then makes an HTTP response.


Both requests and responses consist of a bunch of headers and a (sometimes optional) body with some content in it.

如果有一个body,那么其中一个头是 Content-Type ,它描述了body是什么HTML文档?图像?表单提交的内容?等)

If there is a body, then one of the headers is the Content-Type which describes what the body is (is it an HTML document? An image? The contents of a form submission? etc).

当您要求您的样式表时,您的服务器告诉浏览器它是一个HTML文档( Content-Type:text / css ),而不是样式表( Content-Type:text / html / p>

When you ask for your stylesheet, your server is telling the browser that it is an HTML document (Content-Type: text/html) instead of a stylesheet (Content-Type: text/css).

我已经检查过我的myme.type和text / css已经在css。

I've already checked my myme.type and text/css is already on css.


Then something else about your server is making that stylesheet come with the wrong content type.


Use the Net tab of your browser's developer tools to examine the request and the response.