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SQL 解析器库 - 从查询中获取表名

更新时间:2022-03-12 22:26:19

Antlr 可以为你生成一个不错的 SQL 解析器(解析器的源代码可以是 C++),并且可用的 SQL 语法很少:http://www.antlr3.org/grammar/list.html

Antlr can produce a nice SQL parser (the source of the parser can be C++) for you, and there is few SQL grammars for it available: http://www.antlr3.org/grammar/list.html


If all you are interested in are the table names, then taking one of those grammars and adding a semantic action collecting those names should be fairly easy.

对 Antlr 和 Bison/Yacc 有一些经验 &Lex/Flex 我绝对推荐 Antlr.它是用 Java 编写的,但目标语言可以是 C++ - 生成的代码实际上是可读的,看起来像人写的.Antlr生成的解析器调试还算可以,Bison生成的就不能说了.

Having some experience with Antlr and Bison/Yacc & Lex/Flex I definitely recommend Antlr. It is written in Java, but the target language can be C++ - the generated code is actually readable, looks like written by a human. The debugging of Antlr generated parsers is quite OK, which cannot be said about those generated by Bison..

还有其他选项,例如 Lemon 和 sqlite 语法,如果您愿意,可以看看这个问题:C 中的 SQL 解析器

There are other options, like for example Lemon and sqlite grammar, have a look at this question if you like: SQL parser in C