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Java 8的Optional.ifPresent和if-not-Present的函数风格?

更新时间:2022-10-14 21:56:05

For me the answer of @Dane White is OK, first I did not like using Runnable but I could not find any alternatives, here another implementation I preferred more

public class OptionalConsumer<T> {
    private Optional<T> optional;

    private OptionalConsumer(Optional<T> optional) {
        this.optional = optional;

    public static <T> OptionalConsumer<T> of(Optional<T> optional) {
        return new OptionalConsumer<>(optional);

    public OptionalConsumer<T> ifPresent(Consumer<T> c) {
        return this;

    public OptionalConsumer<T> ifNotPresent(Runnable r) {
        if (!optional.isPresent())
        return this;

Then :

Optional<Any> o = Optional.of(...);
OptionalConsumer.of(o).ifPresent(s ->System.out.println("isPresent "+s))
            .ifNotPresent(() -> System.out.println("! isPresent"));

Update 1:

the above solution for traditional way of development when you have the value and want to process it but what if I want to define the functionality and the execution will be then, check below enhancement;

public class OptionalConsumer<T> implements Consumer<Optional<T>> {
private final Consumer<T> c;
private final Runnable r;

public OptionalConsumer(Consumer<T> c, Runnable r) {
    this.c = c;
    this.r = r;

public static <T> OptionalConsumer<T> of(Consumer<T> c, Runnable r) {
    return new OptionalConsumer(c, r);

public void accept(Optional<T> t) {
    if (t.isPresent())

Then could be used as:

    Consumer<Optional<Integer>> c=OptionalConsumer.of(System.out::println, ()->{System.out.println("Not fit");});
    IntStream.range(0, 100).boxed().map(i->Optional.of(i).filter(j->j%2==0)).forEach(c);

In this new code you have 3 things:

  1. can define functionality before existing of object easy.
  2. not creating object refrence for each Optional, only one,you have so less memory then less GC.
  3. it is implementing consumer for better usage with other components.

by the way now its name is more descriptive it is actually Consumer>