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更新时间:2022-10-15 07:47:00

你应该看看来自scott hanselman的这篇文章:
http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ ASPNETWireFormatForModelBindingToArraysListsCollectionsDictionaries.aspx


  params [0] .key = kvp.key 
params [0] .value = kvp.value


http:// siphon9.net/loune/2009/12/a-intuitive-dictionary-model-binder-for-asp-net-mvc/

I'm trying to bind dictionary values within MVC.

Within the action I have:

model.Params = new Dictionary<string, string>();

model.Params.Add("Value1", "1");
model.Params.Add("Value2", "2");
model.Params.Add("Value3", "3");

and within the view I have:

@foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in Model.Params)
    <input type="hidden" name="Params.Key" value="@kvp.Key" />
    @Html.TextBox("Params[" + kvp.Key + "]")

But the view doesn't display the initial values, and when the form is submitted the Params property is null?

you should take a look to this post from scott hanselman: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ASPNETWireFormatForModelBindingToArraysListsCollectionsDictionaries.aspx

The default binder just understand dictionaries in the format:

params[0].key = kvp.key
params[0].value = kvp.value

The index of the param must be sequential, starting from 0 and without any gaps. The current helpers don't support this, so you should create the form input fields by yourself.

you can of course implement your own binder, like this one: http://siphon9.net/loune/2009/12/a-intuitive-dictionary-model-binder-for-asp-net-mvc/