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ANTLR 复制一棵树

更新时间:2022-10-15 08:45:12


public static CommonTree copyTree(CommonTree original) {CommonTree copy = new CommonTree(original.getToken());copyTreeRecursive(copy, original);返回副本;}private static void copyTreeRecursive(CommonTree copy, CommonTree original) {if(original.getChildren() != null) {for(Object o : original.getChildren()) {CommonTree originalChild = (CommonTree)o;//从原始子节点获取tokenCommonToken oTok = (CommonToken)originalChild.getToken();//创建一个具有相同类型的新令牌 &文本为oTok"CommonToken cTok = new CommonToken(oTok.getType(), oTok.getText());//将所有属性从 'oTok' 复制到 'cTok'cTok.setLine(oTok.getLine());cTok.setCharPositionInLine(oTok.getCharPositionInLine());cTok.setChannel(oTok.getChannel());cTok.setStartIndex(oTok.getStartIndex());cTok.setStopIndex(oTok.getStopIndex());cTok.setTokenIndex(oTok.getTokenIndex());//创建一个新的树节点,以 'cTok' 作为标记CommonTree copyChild = new CommonTree(cTok);//设置子节点的父节点copyChild.setParent(copy);//将子节点添加到父节点copy.addChild(copyChild);//进行递归调用以进行更深的复制copyTreeRecursive(copyChild, originalChild);}}}...//获取原始树CommonTree 树 = (CommonTree)parser.parse().getTree();//创建树的副本CommonTree copy = copyTree(tree);//改变根的右节点的右节点的内容((CommonTree)tree.getChild(1).getChild(1)).getToken().setText("X");System.out.println(tree.toStringTree());System.out.println(copy.toStringTree());


(&& a (|| b X))(&& a (|| b c))

对于输入a && (b || c)".即,treeX,但 copy 将具有原始内容:c.

请注意,我选择了 CommonTreeCommonToken 对象,因为它们是默认的 TokenTree 实现.如果您选择创建自己的 Token 和/或 Tree,您可能会继承 CommonTreeCommonToken代码> 类,在这种情况下,我的建议不会中断.

一个CommonTree 只不过是一个CommonToken 的包装器,包含一些额外的信息:父节点和子节点.这就是为什么我还要从 CommonToken 对象中复制所有信息.

I use ANTLR to build a tree (CommonTree) like follwing (language: JAVA):

  Parser.prog_return r = parser.prog();
  CommonTree t = (CommonTree) r.getTree();

Now, I need to pass "t" as a parameter, and make some changes without affecting the original tree. However, with Java's pointer, this could not been done, so I need to duplicate the tree.

I have been search on the internet, the cloested thing I could find is the dupTree() method of ASTFactory class.

Any suggestion or advises on how to achive this would be appreciated!


@Bart Kiers, Thanks for your answer, it absolutely works!

I see you are doing a depth first walk over the tree, and create a CommonTree object for each node that was visited.

My question is now, what is the relation between CommonToken and CommonTree, and what are these attributes do:


Try something like this:

public static CommonTree copyTree(CommonTree original) {
  CommonTree copy = new CommonTree(original.getToken());
  copyTreeRecursive(copy, original);
  return copy;

private static void copyTreeRecursive(CommonTree copy, CommonTree original) {
  if(original.getChildren() != null) {
    for(Object o : original.getChildren()) {

      CommonTree originalChild = (CommonTree)o;

      // get the token from the original child node
      CommonToken oTok = (CommonToken)originalChild.getToken();

      // create a new token with the same type & text as 'oTok' 
      CommonToken cTok = new CommonToken(oTok.getType(), oTok.getText());

      // copy all attributes from 'oTok' to 'cTok'  

      // create a new tree node with the 'cTok' as token
      CommonTree copyChild = new CommonTree(cTok);

      // set the parent node of the child node

      // add the child to the parent node

      // make a recursive call to copy deeper
      copyTreeRecursive(copyChild, originalChild);


// get the original tree
CommonTree tree = (CommonTree)parser.parse().getTree();

// create a copy of the tree
CommonTree copy = copyTree(tree);

// change the contents of the right node of the right node of the root 


which would produce:

(&& a (|| b X))
(&& a (|| b c))

for the input "a && (b || c)". I.e., the tree has X, but the copy would will have the original contents: c.

Note that I choose CommonTree and CommonToken objects because those are the default Token and Tree implementations. If you choose to create your own Token and/or Tree, chances are that you'll subclass the CommonTree and CommonToken classes, in which case my suggestion would not break.

A CommonTree is nothing more than a wrapper around a CommonToken, holding a bit of extra information: a parent node, and child nodes. That is why I also copy all the information from the CommonToken objects.