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更新时间:2022-10-17 12:16:13



  = sort(unique(filter (A2:A,6),len(A2:A))))



  = join(|,arrayformula(sku =& filter(A2:A,left(A2:A,6)= G2)$ (b2,B,left(A2:A,6)= G2)
&,size =& filter(C2:C,left A2:A,6)= G2)
&,finish =& filter(D2:D,left(A2:A,6)= G2)
&,look = & filter(E2:E,left(A2:A,6)= G2)
&,application =& filter(E2:E,left(A2:A,6)= G2)



I have a table like so:

Based on this set, I need "summary records" for each unique SKU prefix, e.g. PW0007 and PW0008 in this example). Here's an example:

Just in case this is difficult to read, here's an example of one of the variation outputs (G1) above:

sku=PW0007BG-3x6-M,color=Beige,size=3x6,finish=Matte,look=Wood,application=Wall or Floor|sku=PW0007BK-3x6-M,color=Black,size=3x6,finish=Matte,look=Wood,application=Wall or Floor|sku=PW0007RD-4x8-P,color=Red,size=4x8,finish=Polished,look=Wood,application=Wall or Floor

One more point is that I have the SKU field broken out into its various parts on a separate sheet, such that I can easily do a UNIQUE() and get the Prefix PW0007 and PW0008 if that's the best approach. It's getting the variations for each unique SKU prefix and separating them that I can't begin to imagine. Maybe some kind of SUMPRODUCT?

I'd like to dream this is possible via a formula, but I'm more inclined to think I'll need some kind of script which is a whole 'nother ball of wax for me.

You don't need a script for this; a combination of spreadsheet formulas suffices. For the same of simplicity I assume that your data is in columns A-F and the output will be in G-H of the same sheet.

First, generate a list of unique prefixes. Assuming they are the first 6 characters of SKU, the formula (placed in G2) would be

=sort(unique(filter(left(A2:A, 6), len(A2:A))))

(sort is optional, but makes sense to do in this context). The filter removes empty lines from consideration.

Then in the next column, use this longish formula in cell H2, presented here with line breaks.

=join("|", arrayformula("sku=" & filter(A2:A, left(A2:A, 6) = G2)  
    & ",color=" & filter(B2:B, left(A2:A, 6) = G2)
    & ",size=" & filter(C2:C, left(A2:A, 6) = G2)
    & ",finish=" & filter(D2:D, left(A2:A, 6) = G2)
    & ",look=" & filter(E2:E, left(A2:A,6) = G2)
    & ",application=" & filter(E2:E, left(A2:A,6) = G2)

Despite the length, it's pretty straightforward: filter each column by the SKU prefix, prepend its description, and concatenate the results. The final step is to join all such results.

The formula from H2 needs to be dragged down the H column.