
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-10-19 17:56:03


知道并使用。 仅限C#的开发者只知道.Net框架。

Microsoft在Win32上使用C ++开发几乎所有内容,他们寻找可以立即(或快速)使用C ++的人所有的

windows C ++库。学习它需要很长时间才能和你一起工作。




" TheSteph" <钍****** @ NoSpam.com>写道:

有趣。我的德尔菲技能(TP 6到D6)帮助极大。我的C ++,C,


- Barry

我认为这根本不令人惊讶。 MS应该用C#开发什么样的软件?我认为C#是给我们的,MS之外的开发人员是一个更好的VB,没有给MS开发人员构建新东西,我看不到Windows,SQL Server或Office被C#重写。


" Pohihihi" <无***** @ hotmail.com>在留言新闻中写道:ei ************** @ TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl ...

Hello All,

我想我现在只会咆哮。几个星期前,我接受了微软针对SDE的一个小组的采访。我没有被选中,我对*原因感到不满*我发现为什么我没被选中。我现在正在使用C#工作3到3年了,我没有任何真正的理由在我的项目中使用100%C ++。这些项目具有一些非常好的复杂性和规模。

当我在面试时,我做了C#中的所有问题和算法,我知道我做得很好。并猜测毕竟是什么,那家伙问我......你能写C ++ ......,我说如果需要我可以。然后他问我在C#上工作多久,我告诉他。现在看到他的回复哦好吧......(长时间停顿)我们在GUI设计中有一些工作,如果你觉得有趣!


对于那些在MS工作并且认为C#作为旧VB的人来说,总是感到羞耻。我不知道比尔盖茨在这个问题上要说些什么,因为微软有这个着名的我是开发者而你只是一个测试者。间隙。现在这个新的我是C ++家伙,你只是一个C#小孩。继续




Hello All,

I guess I will be just ranting now. Few weeks back I had an interview with one of the groups in Microsoft for SDE. I was not selected and I am kind of upset on the *reason* I found why I was not selected. I am working with C# for last 3-4 years now and I did not had any real good reason to go 100% C++ in my projects. These projects were of some real good complexity and size.

When I was doing interview I did all the problems and algorithms in C# and I know I did very well. And guess what after all this, guy ask me "...can you write C++...", and I say yes I can if needed. And then he ask me for how long I am working on C#, and I tell him. Now see his reply "oh ok...(long pause) we have some work in GUI design, if you find that interesting !".

Now there is nothing wrong in making GUIs but this reply from MSFT employee told me the whole story about where C# and dotNet in general stands inside Microsoft and how developers who work with those languages are seen. In case someone is missing the point, is C# developers only good to make GUIs? What about all the complex software developed in dotNet? What about complex problems solved by algorithms written in C#?

Total shame on people like him who are working in MS and who see C# as the old VB was seen. I wonder Bill Gates has to say anything on this matter because Microsoft has this famous "I am Dev and you are just a Tester" gap. Now this new "I am C++ guy and you are just a C# kid" going on.

Funny, why even bother creating a language that its own creator do not respect.


I think that the problem is not the language itself, but the libraries you
know and use. A "C# only developer" knows only the .Net framework.

Microsoft develop almost everything using C++ on Win32, they look for
someone that can be immediately (or rapidly) productive using all the
windows C++ libraries. and it take a very long time to learn it and to be
used to work with..

Example : My Delphi skills didn''t help at all for learning C#; Yes I know
what to do.but not how to do.


"TheSteph" <Th******@NoSpam.com> wrote:
Example : My Delphi skills didn''t help at all for learning C#; Yes I know
what to do.but not how to do.

Interesting. My Delphi skills (TP 6 to D6) helped enormously. My C++, C,
Java etc. skills probably helped too though.

-- Barry

I don''t think this is very surprising at all. What kind of software should MS develop in C#? I thought C# was given to us, the developers outside of MS as a better VB, not given to MS developers to build new stuff and I can''t see Windows, SQL Server or Office being rewritten in C#.

"Pohihihi" <no*****@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:ei**************@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
Hello All,

I guess I will be just ranting now. Few weeks back I had an interview with one of the groups in Microsoft for SDE. I was not selected and I am kind of upset on the *reason* I found why I was not selected. I am working with C# for last 3-4 years now and I did not had any real good reason to go 100% C++ in my projects. These projects were of some real good complexity and size.

When I was doing interview I did all the problems and algorithms in C# and I know I did very well. And guess what after all this, guy ask me "...can you write C++...", and I say yes I can if needed. And then he ask me for how long I am working on C#, and I tell him. Now see his reply "oh ok...(long pause) we have some work in GUI design, if you find that interesting !".

Now there is nothing wrong in making GUIs but this reply from MSFT employee told me the whole story about where C# and dotNet in general stands inside Microsoft and how developers who work with those languages are seen. In case someone is missing the point, is C# developers only good to make GUIs? What about all the complex software developed in dotNet? What about complex problems solved by algorithms written in C#?

Total shame on people like him who are working in MS and who see C# as the old VB was seen. I wonder Bill Gates has to say anything on this matter because Microsoft has this famous "I am Dev and you are just a Tester" gap. Now this new "I am C++ guy and you are just a C# kid" going on.

Funny, why even bother creating a language that its own creator do not respect.
