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良好的C ++开源代码

更新时间:2022-10-20 22:25:43

Google代码项目托管或SourceForge,或者甚至更好,执行在Ohloh上搜索C ++项目。很遗憾,您无法对代码质量进行搜索,但至少您可以在项目页面上查看具有良好质量指标和相对较小代码库的报告。

某些项目我遇到了良好的代码质量和c ++:

更重要的是,只要看看你喜欢和使用的软件是否是用C ++开发的。

您可能还想参考这些其他SO问题: 适合初学者的项目,

  • 打开 - C ++开发人员的源项目

  • I have had a course on C++ and have done some minor projects on implementing data structures in C++. Can I find a not-so-difficult good open source C++ project that follows good programming styles. I want to have an understanding of a real project.

    Search on Google Code Project Hosting or SourceForge, or even better still, do a search for C++ projects on Ohloh. Unfortunately you cannot do searches on code quality, but at least you can see a report on the projects page to find some with good quality metrics and relatively small codebases.

    Some projects that I've come across with good code quality and in c++:

    More importantly, just look around and see if a software you like and use often is developed in C++. You'll have a greater incentive to contribute and to see your changes in real-life and used by others.

    You may also want to refer yourself to these other SO questions: