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Guice @提供方法与提供者类

更新时间:2022-10-23 17:17:21


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class MyProvider实现Provider&Foo> {
@Inject Dep dep; //各种注入工作,包括构造器注入。

@Override public Foo get(){
return dep.provisionFoo(bar,baz);

/ **
*方法式提供者。 configure()可以是空的,但不一定是。
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class MyModule extends AbstractModule {
/ **名称无关紧要。 Dep自动注入* /
@Provides @Quux public Foo createFoo(Dep dep){
return dep.provisionFoo(bar,baz);

@Override public void configure(){/ *这里没有必要* /}

在任何一种风格中,Guice允许您注入 Foo Provider&Foo> ,即使该键绑定到一个类或实例。如果直接获取实例,Guice会自动调用 get ,如果不存在,则创建一个隐含的 Provider&Foo> 。绑定注释以两种样式工作。


  • 您可以创建自己的长期提供者实例,可能有构造函数参数,并将键绑定到这些实例,而不是类文字。

      bind Foo.class).toProvider(new FooProvisioner(bar,baz)); 

  • 如果您使用的是与JSR 330(javax.inject)兼容的框架,可以轻松地绑定到javax.inject.Provider类或实例。 com.google.inject.Provider扩展了该接口。


  • 您的提供商可能很复杂,无法考虑到自己的课程。根据您的测试结构,以这种方式测试您的供应商可能会更容易。

  • 提供商可以扩展抽象类。使用@Provides方法可能并不容易或直观。

  • 您可以直接将多个键绑定到同一个Provider。每个@Provides方法只会生成一个绑定,尽管您可以将其他键绑定到(@Quux Foo),并让Guice执行第二次查找。

  • 如果您想(例如)缓存或记录实例而不使用Guice范围或绑定,则提供商很容易进行装饰或包装。

      bind(Foo.class).toProvider(new Cache(new FooProvisioner(bar,baz))); 

重要:虽然这是Guice无法创建的类的一个很好的策略,但请记住,Guice可以自动创建并注入 Provider< T> 对于您绑定的任何T,包括到类名,密钥或实例。不需要创建一个明确的提供者,除非你自己涉及到实际的逻辑。

I'm working on a fairly large project that has a lot of injections. We're currently using a class that implements Provider for each injection that needs one, and they mostly have one line get methods.

It's starting to get annoying to create a new class every time I need a new provider. Is there any benefit to using provider classes over @Provides methods in my Module or vice-a-versa?

As far as I know, they're exactly equivalent for most simple cases.

 * Class-style provider.
 * In module: bind(Foo.class).annotatedWith(Quux.class).toProvider(MyProvider.class);
class MyProvider implements Provider<Foo> {
  @Inject Dep dep;  // All sorts of injection work, including constructor injection.

  @Override public Foo get() {
    return dep.provisionFoo("bar", "baz");

 * Method-style provider. configure() can be empty, but doesn't have to be.
class MyModule extends AbstractModule {
  /** Name doesn't matter. Dep is injected automatically. */
  @Provides @Quux public Foo createFoo(Dep dep) {
    return dep.provisionFoo("bar", "baz");

  @Override public void configure() { /* nothing needed in here */ }

In either style, Guice lets you inject Foo and Provider<Foo>, even if the key is bound to a class or instance. Guice automatically calls get if getting an instance directly and creates an implicit Provider<Foo> if one doesn't exist. Binding annotations work in both styles.

The main advantage of @Provides is compactness, especially in comparison to anonymous inner Provider implementations. Note, however, that there might be a few cases where you'd want to favor Provider classes:

  • You can create your own long-lived Provider instances, possibly with constructor parameters, and bind keys to those instances instead of to class literals.

    bind(Foo.class).toProvider(new FooProvisioner("bar", "baz"));

  • If you're using a framework compatible with JSR 330 (javax.inject), you can easily bind to javax.inject.Provider classes or instances. com.google.inject.Provider extends that interface.


  • Your Provider may be complex enough to factor into its own class. Depending on how you've structured your tests, it may be easier to test your Provider this way.

  • Providers can extend abstract classes. It may not be easy or intuitive to do this with @Provides methods.

  • You can bind several keys to the same Provider directly. Each @Provides method produces exactly one binding, though you could bind other keys to the key (@Quux Foo here) and let Guice do a second lookup.

  • Providers are easy to decorate or wrap, if you wanted to (for instance) cache or memoize instances without using Guice scopes or bindings.

    bind(Foo.class).toProvider(new Cache(new FooProvisioner("bar", "baz")));

IMPORTANT: Though this is a good strategy for classes that Guice can't create, bear in mind that Guice can automatically create and inject a Provider<T> for any T that you bind in any way, including to a class name, key, or instance. No need to create an explicit provider unless there's actual logic of your own involved.