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我该如何解决HTTP 414 QUOT;请求URI太长"错误?

更新时间:2022-06-24 22:36:34

在Apache的,限制是一个可配置的值, LimitRequestLine$c$c>.如果你想支持一个较长的请求URI这个值更改为比其8190默认大。

Under Apache, the limit is a configurable value, LimitRequestLine. Change this value to something larger than its default of 8190 if you want to support a longer request URI.

但请注意,如果你实际运行了这个限制,你可能滥用 GET 开始。您应该使用 POST 发送这类数据 - 尤其是因为你甚至承认你使用它来更新值。如果您检查上面的链接,你会发现,即使是Apache的说:在正常情况下,该值不应该更改默认的。

However, note that if you're actually running into this limit, you are probably abusing GET to begin with. You should use POST to transmit this sort of data -- especially since you even concede that you're using it to update values. If you check the link above, you'll notice that Apache even says "Under normal conditions, the value should not be changed from the default."