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MongoDB updateMany,动态过滤字段

更新时间:2022-10-27 18:37:13

你应该使用 Mongo 的 批量 API

When using the .updateMany(filter, update, option). How can I set a dynamic filter field for every document?

I have an array of documents like this:

        time: 1,
        data: []
        time: 2,
        data: []
        time: 3,
        data: []

Each with a unique timestamp. In case the timestamp already exists, the corresponding document should be updated with the new data but if the time doesn't exists, create a new document.


But as it seems, .updateMany() only allows a static filter field. Like this

Candles.updateMany({time: 'someStaticTime'}, documents);

while I would prefer something like this

Candles.updateMany({time: $currentInsertingDocument.time}, documents);

Is this possible without looping over each document seperate??

You should use Mongo's Bulk API