
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-06-01 22:41:00

您需要将eclipse的默认安装jre设置为jdk。 Eclipse窗口菜单=>首选项=>在左侧导航窗格中输入搜索字符串jre=>单击左侧导航窗格中的已安装的JRE=>单击添加并浏览到您的JDK。 =>单击JDK旁边的复选框将其设置为默认值。

You need to set eclipse's default installed "jre" to a jdk. Eclipse Window Menu => Preferences => enter search string "jre" in left navigation pane => click on "Installed JREs" in left navigation pane => Click Add and browse to your JDK. => click the check box next to the JDK to make it default.

您可能需要下载并安装java jdk(如果您还没有安装)。

You may need to download and install the java jdk if you don't already have it.

另外确保eclipse运行配置设置为使用您设置的默认jdk:运行菜单=>运行配置=>选择项目的运行配置(Maven构建)=>单击JRE选项卡=>运行时JRE选择工作空间默认值 。

Also ensure the eclipse run configuration is set to use the default jdk you set up: Run Menu => Run Configurations => Select the run config for your project (Maven Build) => Click JRE tab => Under Runtime JRE select "workspace default".