
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-10-31 17:55:31

运行lessc时,使用 - relative-urls 标志。

  lessc --relative-urls 

文档记录不良, false,这意味着所有@imported文件将保持它们的urls(例如background-image,font-face等)。这是因为更少的已经在做这个,并且许多用户希望它留下他们的urls单独。


$ b


/dir1/lib/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css p>

  background-image:url(../ img / bs-img.gif); 


dir1 / style / main.css

  background-image:url(../ bootstrap / img / bs -img.gif); 

I am using LESS to organize and import all my CSS files. I am also using Twitter Bootstrap which I integrated inside my style.less. It works fine like below however when I use lessc to minify the less file and compress it to one all hell breaks loose with my twitter bootstrap css. The reason is that my bootstrap.min.css has a relative path to images as "../img" so when I minify all these files and dump my output file, it no longer finds this path.

How exactly should I fix this, I don't want to be hardcoding absolute urls in my css?

    @import './folder_one/file_one';
    @import './folder_one/file_two';
    @import './folder_two/file_one';
    @import './folder_three/file_one';
    // this bootstrap css references images relatively ../img/
    @import './bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css';

When running lessc use the --relative-urls flag.

lessc --relative-urls

It's poorly documented, but by default it is false which means that all @imported files will maintain their urls (e.g. background-image, font-face, etc) as they are. This is because less was already doing this and many users expect it to leave their urls alone.

When the relative-urls flag is used, lessc rewrites all of the urls according to the location of the less/css file being imported.



// if you don't include (less) lessc will leave bootstrap
//   as an @import at the top of the lessified css file
@import (less) '../bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css';




