
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-11-02 21:52:09


  PS C:\Users\jpogran\code\git\scripts&gt ;函数get-gitstatus {git status} 

PS C:\Users\jpogran\code\git\scripts> get-gitstatus

PS C:\ Users \jpogran\code\git\scripts> Set-Alias -Name gs -Value get-gitstatus

PS C:\Users\jpogran\code\git\scripts> gs

您可能还对称为 posh-git 的操作系统项目感兴趣,该项目旨在为PowerShell环境git命令。使用PS类型函数包装git命令,并提供一个新提示,显示提示中的状态和分支。

  PS C:\Users\jpogran\code\git\scripts> get-help set-alias -examples 


I understand how to create aliases in PowerShell for cmdlets fine but I want to create an alias in PowerShell for things like "git status" as just "gs" and "git pull origin master" as "gpm" can anyone point me in the right direction?

You will have to create a function first, that has your command in it. Then create an alias to that function.

PS C:\Users\jpogran\code\git\scripts> function get-gitstatus { git status }

PS C:\Users\jpogran\code\git\scripts> get-gitstatus
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

PS C:\Users\jpogran\code\git\scripts> Set-Alias -Name gs -Value get-gitstatus

PS C:\Users\jpogran\code\git\scripts> gs
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

You might also be interested in the OS project called posh-git that aims to provide a powershell environment for git commands. Wraps git commands with PS type functions and also provides a new prompt that shows the status and branch in your prompt.

EDIT: Forgot to add how to find out how to do this using Powershell.

PS C:\Users\jpogran\code\git\scripts> get-help set-alias -examples

This will show you examples (the last one applies here) of how to use set-alias to create aliases to commands with paramaters, pipelines, etc.