
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-11-02 23:36:24

给定一个 AST,要生成数据流图,您必须:

Given an AST, to produce a data flow graph, you must:

  • 建立符号表,以便使用的每个标识符都映射到其显式或隐式定义的类型,还允许您区分一个范围内的标识符与另一个范围内的相同标识符

  • build up symbol tables, so that every identifier used is mapped to its explicitly or implicitly defined type, also allowing you distinguish an identifier in one scope from the same identifier in another scope


construct a control flow graph, showing the order in which the program code is executed, and the conditional branches. (Bonus points for constructing a call graph between functions!)


determine how data flows along the control flow graph, usually using some kind of data flow analysis framework, building up references to variable lifetimes, and capturing all this as a graph.


You can draw the final graph using some kind of external graph drawing package.


All of these steps are pretty complicated, and are likely to be a lot more work than you might think. I get the impression you don't have much background here. You can get that background by studying a standard compiler text (Aho/Sethi/Ullman "Compilers") is pretty classic and very good. But you need to do that before you start, or you won't really understand the steps and they link together.