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如何在 VSCode 中运行 python3 代码?/bin/sh: 1: python: 未找到

更新时间:2022-11-06 12:17:31





I'm trying to run a python file in VSCode using python3.

I know I can fix by simply setting to run using integrated terminal like it says in the microsoft vscode tutorial on python. However, I would like the program to print in the output tab and not take up the terminal window.

The standard coder runner launch.json looks like this;

"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
        "name": "Python: Current File",
        "type": "python",
        "request": "launch",
        "program": "${file}",
        "console": "integratedTerminal"

I've tried to set my python path in VSCode in settings.json

"python.pythonPath": "python3",
"code-runner.executorMap": {
    "python3": "/usr/bin/python3"

I've also set an alias for python -> python3 (as my ubuntu 20.04 doesn't come with python2 anymore)

alias python="python3"

However, I keep getting the above error. Any Ideas?

Nearly had it. This code

"python.pythonPath": "python3",
"code-runner.executorMap": {
    "python3": "/usr/bin/python3"

should be

"python.pythonPath": "python3",
"code-runner.executorMap": {
    "python": "/usr/bin/python3"