
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2021-10-30 23:24:20

term 查询匹配单个术语,因为它的值是未分析.因此,它不必小写,具体取决于您编入索引的内容.

term query matches a single term as it is : the value is not analyzed. So, it doesn't have to be lowercased depending on what you have indexed.

如果您在索引时提供了 Bennett 并且未分析该值,则以下查询将不会返回任何内容:

If you provided Bennett at index time and the value is not analyzed, the following query won't return anything :

  "query": {
    "term" : { "user" : "bennett" }


match_phrase 查询将分析输入并查找符合以下条件的文档:

match_phrase query will analyze the input if analyzers are defined for the queried field and find documents matching the following criteria:

  • 所有术语必须出现在字段中
  • 它们必须与输入值具有相同的顺序
  • 不能有任何中间词,即是连续的(可能不包括停用词,但这可能很复杂)

例如,如果您索引以下文档(对字段 foo 使用 standard 分析器):

For example, if you index the following documents (using standard analyzer for the field foo):

{ "foo":"I just said hello world" }

{ "foo":"Hello world" }

{ "foo":"World Hello" }

{ "foo":"Hello dear world" }

这个 match_phrase 查询只会返回第一个和第二个文档:

This match_phrase query will only return the first and second documents :

  "query": {
    "match_phrase": {
      "foo": "Hello World"

query_string 查询搜索,默认在 _all 字段,一次包含多个文本字段的文本.最重要的是,它被解析并支持一些运算符(AND/OR...)、通配符等(参见 相关语法).

query_string query search, by default, on a _all field which contains the text of several text fields at once. On top of that, it's parsed and supports some operators (AND/OR...), wildcards and so on (see related syntax).

作为 match_phrase 查询,根据在查询字段上设置的分析器分析输入.

As the match_phrase queries, the input is analyzed according to the analyzer set on the queried field.

match_phrase 不同,分析后获得的术语不必按相同的顺序排列,除非用户在输入周围使用引号.

Unlike the match_phrase, the terms obtained after analysis don't have to be in the same order, unless the user has used quotes around the input.


For example, using the same documents as before, this query will return all the documents :

  "query": {
    "query_string": {
      "query": "hello World"

但是此查询将返回与 match_phrase 查询相同的 2 个文档:

But this query will return the same 2 documents as the match_phrase query :

  "query": {
    "query_string": {
      "query": ""Hello World""


There is much more to say about the different options for those queries, please take a look at the related documentation :


Hope this is clear enough and it will help.