
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-11-16 16:46:17

要开始使用C ++,您可以查看以下网站:

C ++语言 - C ++教程 - Cplusplus.com [ ^ ]

C++教程 - 学习C ++ - Cprogramming.com [ ^ ]

还有其他网站也可以使用。 />











上述原理适用于Java和C ++。

For getting started with C++ you can have a look at the following web sites:

C++ Language - C++ Tutorials - Cplusplus.com[^]
C++ Tutorial - Learn C++ - Cprogramming.com[^]

And there are other sites as well that you can use.

As you seem to have learned the basics of Java, it might be a good thing to sit down and think about what kind of application you want to create.
Then you can break down the application into smaller pieces and search for information about a technique that solves that particular problem.

For example; you want to write an application that reads data from an XML or JSON file and presents the data in one or more tables. The user should also be able to change, add and delete the data and save it to disk.
In this example you need to learn how to:
* read a file from disk
* parse the data in the file, either JSON or XML or maybe both.
* data binding
* present the data in tables. What is the best way to do that?
* How to create a JSON or XML file and write it to disk.

Maybe not a very good example, but it should give you a hint on how to go forward.
The above principals goes for both Java a C++.

And don't forget books. As mentioned above you can maybe get some at the local library or buy a copy for yourself. However, programming books tend to be a bit expensive.

有关Java的更多信息,请转到 http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/index.html [ ^ ]。
For more on Java, go to http://download.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/index.html[^].