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更新时间:2022-11-21 22:21:55


  enum Instagram {
enum MediaEndpoint {
case Search(lat:Float,lng:Float,distance:Int)
case Media(MediaEndpoint)

扩展Instagram:TargetType {
var path:String {
switch self {
case .Media(.Search):
return/ media /搜索


协议TargetType {
var path:String {get}

class MoyaProvider< Target:TargetType> {
func request(_ target:Target,completion:@escaping() - >()){}

let provider = MoyaProvider< Instagram>()

I'm getting an error on the switch statement below for the path.

Enum case Search is not a member of type Instagram

enum Instagram {
    enum Media {
        case Popular
        case Shortcode(id: String)
        case Search(lat: Float, lng: Float, distance: Int)
    enum Users {
        case User(id: String)
        case Feed
        case Recent(id: String)
extension Instagram: TargetType {
    var path: String {
        switch self {
        case .Media.Search(let _, let _, let _):
            return "/media/search"

I want to use a switch statement to return the path, however the cases are giving me errors. Is there any way this could work?

This is using advanced enums: https://github.com/terhechte/appventure-blog/blob/master/resources/posts/2015-10-17-advanced-practical-enum-examples.org#api-endpoints

By adding an associated value for the nested enum you can access it using a switch statement.

enum Instagram {
    enum MediaEndpoint {
        case Search(lat: Float, lng: Float, distance: Int)
    case Media(MediaEndpoint)

extension Instagram: TargetType {
    var path: String {
        switch self {
        case .Media(.Search):
            return "/media/search"

// Demo

protocol TargetType {
    var path: String { get }

class MoyaProvider<Target: TargetType> {
    func request(_ target: Target, completion: @escaping () -> ()) {}

let provider = MoyaProvider<Instagram>()
provider.request(.Media(.Search(lat: 0, lng: 0, distance: 0))) {}