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从节点向 Foxx 服务 (ArangoDB) 发送 HTTP Post 请求

更新时间:2022-11-27 19:15:44

我认为原因是因为您没有在 Foxx 的结束点指定预期作为 .post 一部分的正文.

I think the reason is because you haven't specified in the end point in Foxx that there is a body expected as part of the .post.

我花了一段时间才找到定义 Foxx 微服务的方法,在确定模式之前,我阅读了大量 ArangoDB 示例代码.

It took me a while to work out a way of defining Foxx MicroServices, and I read through a number of ArangoDB example code before I settled on a pattern.

为了帮助您入门,我提供了如何以可扩展的方式快速模拟 Foxx 微服务代码,从而允许您将路由与模型分开.

To help you get started, I've provided how I would quickly mock up the Foxx MicroService code in a way that is extensible, allowing you to separate your Routes from your Models.


Use these as examples to get your example working.


I've made assumptions that there are two document collections, 'Drop' and 'Bot' with an edge collection that joins them called 'VisitedBy'.

所有这些文件都存储在您的 Foxx 微服务上:

All these files are stored on your Foxx MicroService:


'use strict';
module.context.use('/v1/visitedBy', require('./routes/visitedBy'), 'visitedBy');


'use strict';
const request = require('@arangodb/request');
const joi = require('joi');
const createRouter = require('@arangodb/foxx/router');
const VisitedBy = require('../models/visitedBy');

const visitedDataSchema = joi.object().required().description('Data that tracks a visited event');

const router = createRouter();
module.exports = router;

 * saveVisitedBy
 * Path Params:
 * none
 * Query Params:
 * none
 * Body Params:
 * body         (required)    The data that is used to record when something is visited
router.post('/', function (req, res) {
  const visitedData = req.body;
  const savedData = VisitedBy.saveVisitedByData(VisitedBy.fromClient(visitedData));
  if (savedData) {
  }  else {
    res.status(500).send('Data not saved, internal error');
}, 'saveVisitedBy')
  .body(visitedDataSchema, 'visited data')
  .response(VisitedBy.savedDataSchema, 'The response after the data is saved')
  .summary('Save visited data')
  .description('Save visited data');


'use strict';
const _ = require('lodash');
const joi = require('joi');
const db = require('@arangodb').db;
const visitedByEdgeCollection = 'VisitedBy';

 Schema for a response after saving visitedBy data
const savedDataScema = {
  id: joi.string(),
  data: joi.object(),
  _from: joi.string(),
  _to: joi.string()

module.exports = {
  savedDataSchema: savedDataScema,

  forClient(obj) {
    // Implement outgoing transformations here
    // Remove keys on the base object that do not need to go through to the client
    if (obj) {
      obj = _.omit(obj, ['_id', '_rev', '_oldRev', '_key']);

    return obj;

  fromClient(obj) {
    // Implement incoming transformations here
    return obj;

  saveVisitedByData(visitedData) {
    const q = db._createStatement({
      "query": `
            INSERT {
              _from: @from,
              _to: @to,
              data: @data,
              date: DATE_NOW()
            } IN @@col
            RETURN MERGE ({ id: NEW._id }, NEW)
    q.bind('@col', visitedByEdgeCollection);
    q.bind('from', visitedData.from);
    q.bind('to', visitedData.to);
    q.bind('data', visitedData.data);

    const res = q.execute().toArray();

    return res[0];

您的服务在 Swagger 界面中应如下所示:

Your service should look like this in the Swagger interface:

您可以在此处了解有关使用 joi 定义数据结构的更多信息.

习惯 joi 需要一点时间,但是一旦您获得一些好的工作示例,您就可以为传入和传出数据定义出色的数据定义.

It takes a bit getting used to joi, but once you get some good working examples you can define great data definitions for incoming and outgoing data.


I hope this helps, it was difficult for me getting a basic MicroService code model that made it clear how things operated, I'm sure a lot can be done for this example but it should be a good starting spot.