
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事

如何根据获取的环境变量动态设置 AngularjJS 基本 URL?

更新时间:2022-02-26 00:10:26

我个人用 grunt 做这种事情.

I personnaly do this kind of stuff with grunt.

当我运行我的 angular-app 时,我有多个任务:

When I run my angular-app I have multiple tasks :

> grunt run --target=dev
> grunt run --target=prod
> grunt build --target=dev
> grunt build --target=prod
> etc...

然后 grunt 在 grunt-preprocess 模块的帮助下进行字符串替换:

Then grunt do strings replacement with the help of the grunt-preprocess module :

我的 constants.tpl.js 文件被解析:

baseUrl:           '/* @echo ENV_WS_URL */',

并填充了 url.


There are endless possibilities (string replacements, file copy, etc).

例如使用 grunt 确保开发配置文件不会投入生产..

Doing it with grunt ensure that dev config files do not go in production for example..


I can put more details if you're interested but I only wanted to show you a different approach.

编辑 gruntFile 示例:

edit gruntFile example :

'use strict';

module.exports = function(grunt) {

     * Retrieving current target
    var target = grunt.option('target') || 'dev';
    var availableTargets = [

     * Load environment-specific variables
    var envConfig = grunt.file.readJSON('conf.' + target + '.json');

     * This is the configuration object Grunt uses to give each plugin its
     * instructions.
        env: envConfig,       

        /* Build files to a specific env or mode */
        preprocess: {
            options: {
                context: {
                    ENV_WS_URL: '<%= env.wsUrl %>'
            constants: {
                src: 'constants.tpl.js',
                dest: 'constants.js'

        karma: {
            unit: {
                configFile: '<%= src.karma %>',
                autoWatch: false,
                singleRun: true
            watch: {
                configFile: '<%= src.karma %>',
                autoWatch: true,
                singleRun: false


    /* Plugins load */

    /* Available tasks */
    grunt.registerTask('run', 'Run task, launch web server for dev part', ['preprocess:constants']);



> grunt run --target=dev

将创建一个带有 url 的新文件

will create a new file with an url