
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-11-30 15:13:14

在上一个android系统中,它已被标记为缺陷,并将在以后的操作系统版本中修复. 错误报告

It has been marked as a defect in the last android and it will be fix in a future release of the OS. Bug report


我终于明白了(至少就我而言)...它的f ****

I finally got it (at least in my case)... its the f**** File Manager app's service. If its service is stopped, the permissions work again.

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id = com.rhmsoft.fm


I had this app before the update to "MOB30M" and the runtime permissions where working without a problem (is my daily job to program this) and i have been using the file manager to put the release APK inside the phone and run it to install the APK. So is not some app that I installed today.


What I fund awful is that one app can make crash all the permission system.



I understand that the permission system is not being crashed, since an app could be used to falsify the dialogs, BUT shouldn’t then Android (Google) tell you that you have an app that is running on the top and that if you want to give permissions to the app you should uninstall XXXX app? I mean for the sake of the User Experience.


A normal user, would think that his phone is broken and probably would send the phone back to google or the carrier xD


Come on, let's be honest, cant android make this better? Is not like you need your phone rooted to have this behavior (my phone is not rooted). If you dont inform the user what's going on, then is like is broken