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访问Kubernetes Pod容器中的内置etcd

更新时间:2022-11-30 15:12:56

Kubernetes apiserver使用的etcd实例通常被视为apiserver的实现细节,并且不能被用户应用程序重用.默认情况下,将其安装为仅侦听localhost上的连接,并在未计划任何用户应用程序的计算机上运行.

The etcd instance used by the Kubernetes apiserver is generally treated as an implementation detail of the apiserver and is not designed to be reused by user applications. By default it is installed to only listen for connections on localhost and run on a machine where no user applications are scheduled.

运行第二个etcd实例供自己使用并不难.例如,DNS群集附件包括 etcd的私有实例,该实例与apiserver使用的etcd分开.

It isn't difficult to run a second etcd instance for your own use. For example, the DNS cluster add-on includes a private instance of etcd that is separate from the etcd used by the apiserver.