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尝试将 TensorFlow 模型转换为 TensorFlow lite,在运行 toco --help 时出现错误

更新时间:2022-11-30 23:03:55

TensorFlow Lite 尚不支持 Windows.我们正在努力...

TensorFlow Lite doesn't yet support Windows. We're working on it...

与此同时,您可能想看看围绕提议的这里 -- 即设置虚拟机.

In the mean time, you may want to look at the work around proposed here -- i.e. set up Virtual Machine.

更具体的转换代码,向前推进(版本 1.9 及更高版本)您应该使用 tflite_convert.

More specific to the conversion code, moving forward (version 1.9 and beyond) you should use tflite_convert.