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iPad 模拟器上的 SKScene 问题未在 Xcode 11 beta 7 中填充屏幕

更新时间:2022-12-02 09:53:43


Typical that after setting a bounty I find the answer.


The issue was in my storyboard file, not my code:


Originally, I had this in the properties of my view after the segue:

把它改成这样会使 SKView 填满整个屏幕:

And changing it to this made the SKView fill the entire screen:

显然在某些时候 Xcode 发生了变化,因此无论出于何种原因,自动"不再填满屏幕.

Clearly at some point Xcode changed so that 'Automatic' no longer filled the screen for whatever reason.


For more clarification, when you open the storyboard file, click/select the view controller that you want to adjust, under the Attributes Inspector, there is an option for Presentation where you can select the "Full Screen" attribute.