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从pl sql中的行类型变量中选择动态列值

更新时间:2022-12-04 07:45:28


You can't refer to a column/field name dynamically via another variable.

您将需要动态处理整个data_table查询;这是一个带有 dbms_sql的演示:

You will need to handle the whole data_table query dynamically; this is a demo with the dbms_sql package:

  l_col_name varchar2(100);
  l_col_val varchar2(100);
  type t_col_tab is table of column_table%rowtype;
  l_col_tab t_col_tab;

  -- for dbms_sql
  l_c pls_integer;
  l_col_cnt pls_integer;
  l_desc_t dbms_sql.desc_tab;
  l_rc pls_integer;
  l_varchar varchar2(4000);
  select * bulk collect into l_col_tab from column_table;

  -- create cursor and prepare from original query
  l_c := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
  dbms_sql.parse(c=>l_c, statement=>'select * from data_table',
  dbms_sql.describe_columns(c => l_c, col_cnt => l_col_cnt,
    desc_t => l_desc_t);

  for i in 1..l_col_cnt loop
    dbms_sql.define_column(c=>l_c, position=>i,
      column=>l_varchar, column_size=>4000);
  end loop;

  l_rc := dbms_sql.execute(c=>l_c);

  while dbms_sql.fetch_rows(c=>l_c) > 0 loop
    for i in 1..l_col_cnt loop
      for j in 1..l_col_tab.count loop
        if l_desc_t(i).col_name = l_col_tab(j).column_name then
          -- same column
          dbms_sql.column_value(l_c, i, l_varchar);
          dbms_output.put_line('Row ' || dbms_sql.last_row_count
           || ': ' || l_desc_t(i).col_name
           || ' = ' || l_varchar);
        end if;
      end loop;
    end loop;
  end loop;



The cursor query is parsed and executed, and the table descriptions allow the column names to be compared. This is just printing out the info, but you can do whatever you need with it, obviously.


create table data_table(id number, column_1 date, column_2 varchar2(10), column_3 varchar2(10));
insert into data_table (id, column_1, column_2, column_3) values (1, date '2017-01-01', 'dummy', 'first');
insert into data_table (id, column_1, column_2, column_3) values (2, date '2017-02-01', 'dummy', 'second');

create table column_table (column_name varchar2(30));
insert into column_table (column_name) values ('ID');
insert into column_table (column_name) values ('COLUMN_3');


... this gets output:

Row 1: ID = 1
Row 1: COLUMN_3 = first
Row 2: ID = 2
Row 2: COLUMN_3 = second

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.