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更新时间:2022-12-08 13:32:28

据该的 MSDN:ConfigurationManager.GetSection方法

ConfigurationManager.GetSection 方法访问运行时配置信息 它不能改变。要更改配置,您可以使用 Configuration.GetSection 您使用以下开放式方法之一获取配置文件的方式:

The ConfigurationManager.GetSection method accesses run-time configuration information that it cannot change. To change the configuration, you use the Configuration.GetSection method on the configuration file that you obtain by using one of the following Open methods:




However, if you want to update app.config file, I would read it as an xml document and manipulate it as a normal xml document.


Please see the following example: Note: this sample is just for proof-of-concept. Should not be used in production as it is.

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace ChangeAppConfig
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MyConfigSetting.CustomerName = "MyCustomer";
            MyConfigSetting.EmailAddress = "MyCustomer@Company.com";
            MyConfigSetting.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;

    //Note: This is a proof-of-concept sample and 
    //should not be used in production as it is.  
    // For example, this is not thread-safe. 
    public class MyConfigSetting
        private static string _CustomerName;
        public static string CustomerName
            get { return _CustomerName; }
                _CustomerName = value;

        private static string _EmailAddress;
        public static string EmailAddress
            get { return _EmailAddress; }
                _EmailAddress = value;

        private static DateTime _TimeStamp;
        public static DateTime TimeStamp
            get { return _TimeStamp; }
                _TimeStamp = value;

        public static void Save()
            XElement myAppConfigFile = XElement.Load(Utility.GetConfigFileName());
            var mySetting = (from p in myAppConfigFile.Elements("MySettings")
                            select p).FirstOrDefault();
            mySetting.Attribute("CustomerName").Value = CustomerName;
            mySetting.Attribute("EmailAddress").Value = EmailAddress;
            mySetting.Attribute("TimeStamp").Value = TimeStamp.ToString();



    class Utility
        //Note: This is a proof-of-concept and very naive code. 
        //Shouldn't be used in production as it is. 
        //For example, no null reference checking, no file existence checking and etc. 
        public static string GetConfigFileName()
            const string STR_Vshostexe = ".vshost.exe";
            string appName = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0];

            //In case this is running under debugger. 
            if (appName.EndsWith(STR_Vshostexe))
                appName = appName.Remove(appName.LastIndexOf(STR_Vshostexe), STR_Vshostexe.Length) + ".exe";

            return appName + ".config";

我还添加了时间戳 。属性MySettings在app.config中轻松检查结果

I also added "TimeStamp" attribute to MySettings in app.config to check the result easily.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <section name="MySettings" type="TestApp.MySettings, TestApp"/>

  <MySettings CustomerName="" EmailAddress="" TimeStamp=""/>