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Intellij Idea永远解决maven依赖关系

更新时间:2022-06-13 01:16:25

您可以尝试运行mvn clean install。(根据您的网络速度,它将拉动每个依赖项)

If this is an issue very specific to intellij, I would suggest do the following steps You can try running mvn clean install.(Depending on your network speed it will pull every dependency)

首选项中的intellij设置 - >构建,执行,部署 - > maven-> Maven主目录 - > {现在将其更改为指向您的mvn主页而不是捆绑mvn}

Change intellij settings in Preferences->build,execution,deployment->maven->Maven home directory->{now change this to point to your mvn home rather than bundled mvn}

命令行中的mvn -v应该为您提供maven主路径。

mvn -v in command line should give you the maven home path. Now it won't try to download dependencies again.