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如何在Eclipse Ganymede中安装自定义插件?

更新时间:2022-12-11 12:31:45

通过将插件作为zip文件进行安装,通过将其解压缩到Eclipse安装目录(或 plugins 目录中),具体取决于它的打包方式,因为它也可以在功能目录)

接下来使用 - clean 选项重新启动Eclipse。 p>

We have a custom plug-in. That is, the company where I'm working developed it in house. I would like to install it as an available plug-in in Eclipse Ganymede. How do I do that?

From what I can figure out, the Eclipse software install only supports installation from Eclipse software update sites.

I went to Help -> Install New Software... -> Add -> Local... to browse to a folder containing the plug-in. Although the dialog lets me add the directory as an update site, it doesn't work. It expects that directory to be a local Eclipse update site (I think). I get the error

No repository found at file:/G:/TOOLS/...  

Next I just copied the plug-in into the plug-in directory under my Eclipse installation. That didn't work either. I also tried copying it into the dropins directory. No dice.

Can anyone enlighten me how to install a plug-in that's not on an "update" site?

Thanks in advance....

Usually an Eclipse plug-in packaged as zip file is install by extracting it into the Eclipse installation directory (or the plugins directory depending on how it is packaged, as it can also extract files in features directory).

Next restart Eclipse with the --clean option.