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Excel VBA循环筛选的枢轴项目

更新时间:2022-12-12 14:28:50


As you already found out about the visibility of PivotItems:

,但VBA仍将每个 PivotField.PivotItem作为Visible返回.

If you filter a PivotTable, then some of the PivotItems of your RowFields or ColumnFields are optically visible or not,
but VBA still returns each PivotField.PivotItem as Visible.



The remaining "really" visible PivotItems can be addressed by PivotLine.PivotLineCell.PivotItem of each pivot-axis.


LineType distingushes between regular, blank, subtotal and grandtotal lines.

showstring = ""
For rowItemNo = 1 To pvt.PivotRowAxis.PivotLines.Count
    If pvt.PivotRowAxis.PivotLines(rowItemNo).LineType = xlPivotLineRegular Then
        For colItemNo = 1 To pvt.PivotColumnAxis.PivotLines.Count
            If pvt.PivotColumnAxis.PivotLines(colItemNo).LineType = xlPivotLineRegular Then
                showstring = showstring & _
                pvt.PivotRowAxis.PivotLines(rowItemNo).PivotLineCells(1).PivotItem.Name & ":" & _
                pvt.PivotColumnAxis.PivotLines(colItemNo).PivotLineCells(1).PivotItem.Name & _
                " = " & pvt.DataBodyRange.Cells(rowItemNo, colItemNo).Value & vbCrLf
            End If
        Next colItemNo
    End If
Next rowItemNo
MsgBox showstring


If you have more than one column or row field, then PivotLineCells() can distinguish them.


... or you loop over the DataRange of each PivotField to catch the items in visible cells of a simple pivot table:

For rowFldNo = 1 To pvt.RowFields.Count
    For colFldNo = 1 To pvt.ColumnFields.Count
        For rowItemNo = 1 To pvt.RowFields(rowFldNo).DataRange.Rows.Count
            For colItemNo = 1 To pvt.ColumnFields(colFldNo).DataRange.Columns.Count
                showstring = showstring & ...
            Next colItemNo
        Next rowItemNo
    Next colFldNo
Next rowFldNo