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Zend Framework 2表单自定义验证器

更新时间:2022-12-13 11:43:28


The "short name" validator loading you are attempting to use in your example only works if you register that short name / alias with the validator plugin manager (Zend\Validator\ValidatorPluginManager) first.

一种替代方法(也是我的方式)是在创建表单过滤器对象时注入必要的自定义验证器实例. ZfcUser就是这样的:

One alternative to this (and the way I do it) is to inject instances of necessary custom validators when creating the form filter object. This is the way ZfcUser does it:

// Service factory definition from Module::getServiceConfig
'zfcuser_register_form' => function ($sm) {
     $options = $sm->get('zfcuser_module_options');
     $form = new Form\Register(null, $options);
     $form->setInputFilter(new Form\RegisterFilter(
         new Validator\NoRecordExists(array(
             'mapper' => $sm->get('zfcuser_user_mapper'),
             'key'    => 'email'
         new Validator\NoRecordExists(array(
            'mapper' => $sm->get('zfcuser_user_mapper'),
            'key'    => 'username'
     return $form;

来源: https://github.com/ZF- Commons/ZfcUser/blob/master/Module.php#L100


Here, the two ZfcUser\Validator\NoRecordExists validator instances (one for email and one for username) are injected into the constructor of the input filter object for the registration form (ZfcUser\Form\RegisterFilter).


Then, inside the ZfcUser\Form\RegisterFilter class, the validators are added to the element definitions:

    'name'       => 'email',
    'required'   => true,
    'validators' => array(
            'name' => 'EmailAddress'
        // Constructor argument containing instance of the validator

来源: https://github.com/ZF-Commons/ZfcUser/blob/master/src/ZfcUser/Form/RegisterFilter.php#L37

我相信另一种选择是使用完全限定的类名作为验证器名称(即:"User \ Validator \ PasswordStrength",而不只是"PasswordStrengthValidator"),尽管我从未尝试过这样做.

I believe another alternative is to use the fully-qualified class name as the validator name (ie: "User\Validator\PasswordStrength" instead of just "PasswordStrengthValidator"), though i've never attempted this myself.