
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-12-15 12:58:46


For addition (and subtraction) using twos complement there is no notion of signed or unsigned as far as the logic is concerned. Multiply and divide, yes, due to the sign extension required.

取3位数的所有组合(从000到111),并将它们添加到3位数的所有组合中,这很容易管理.也许您可以编写一个程序,也可以手工编写.或者只是在角落里做.对于每个检查,使用二进制补码检查每个操作数是否为有符号或无符号的.您会注意到,同样的添加也有效. 1 + 110 =111.现在是1 +(-2)= -1还是1 + 6 =7.两者都起作用.

Take all combinations of 3 bit numbers from 000 to 111 and add them to all the combinations of 3 bit numbers, something manageable. Maybe write a program if you want or do it by hand. Or just do the corner cases. For each examine each operand as signed or unsigned using twos complement. You will note that the same addition works. 1 + 110 = 111. Now is that 1 + (-2) = -1 or was that 1 + 6 = 7. Both worked.


The carry flag IS the UNSIGNED overflow, the V flag is the SIGNED overflow, that is why we compute both so the user, who knows whether or not those are signed or unsigned numbers can choose the right conditional. And that is why you have signed jump if greater than or equal vs an unsigned jump if greater than or equal.


It is the beauty of twos complement that makes it all work.


Multiply (and divide) is different, because you have to sign extend. Multiply in binary has a beautiful feature, in that if you think about it

*  0011

位是1或0,因此您将顶部数字乘以1或0,或者将其相加或不相加.但也请注意,很快您就会溢出.从小学我们知道n ^ x * n ^ y = n ^(x + y).如果您的寄存器的宽度为Z位,则相加时操作数的最高有效位位置不能大于Z,否则会溢出.四个位0010 * 0010应该可以工作,但是0010 * 1000会溢出.正确的方法是结果的宽度是操作数的两倍.

A bit is either 1 or 0, so you are multiplying the top number by either one or zero, you either add it shifted or you dont. But also notice that very very quickly you are going to overflow. We know from grade school that n^x * n^y = n^(x+y). If your registers are Z bits wide the most significant bit positions of the operands cannot be larger than Z when added otherwise it overflows. Four bits 0010*0010 should work but 0010*1000 will overflow. The right way is the result is twice as wide as the operands.

那我想乘1111 * 0010怎么办?

So what if I want to multiply 1111 * 0010?



是15(0b1111)还是-1(0b1111)? -1 * 2 = -2这不是我们上面得到的,我们执行了无符号乘法来执行有符号乘法,我们必须对扩展名进行符号化并将位抛向左

Wait was that a 15 (0b1111) or a -1 (0b1111)? -1 * 2 = -2 which is not what we got above, we did an unsigned multiply to do a signed multiply we have to sign extend and toss bits off the left



and that gives the right answer for a signed multiply of two four bit registers 1111 and 0010.


Addition works because you only care about one column. Each column has a carry in, two operands a result and a carry out. And then you can cascade that as wide as you want. With a single bit you have 0 and 1. The zero is just zero not plus or minus zero, the 1 can either be a +1 or a -1. I find it easier to work through the combinations with more than one column, but it could be done. For addition the carry in is a 0 so I dont need to represent it operand a, operand b, carry out, and result

00 00  0 + 0 = 0
01 01  0 + 1 = 1;  0 + (-1) = -1
10 01  1 + 0 = 1;  (-1) + 0 = -1
11 10  1 + 1 = 0 unsigned overflow.  -1 + 1 = 0, 1 + -1 = 0, -1 + -1 = 0 signed overflow

从技术上讲,所有已签名的都是后一种情况下的有符号溢出,这就是您要处理的任意位数的特殊情况,取一个三位寄存器100 + 100 = 000 +进行1运算是4 + 4 = 0无符号溢出,或者是-4 + -4 = 0有符号溢出?这就是为什么更容易看到何时使用一些位并进行组合处理来将问题情况从1转换为全零的原因.

Technically all the signed ones were a signed overflow in that last case, and that is the special case you deal with for any number of bits, take a three bit register 100 + 100 = 000 + carry out of 1 is that a 4 + 4 = 0 unsigned overflow or is that a -4 + -4 = 0 with a signed overflow? Which is why it is easier to see when you use a few bits and go through the combinations tossing the problem case of 1 and then all zeros.

有符号溢出是指最高有效列的进位与进位不匹配. msbit的进位为1时,是无符号溢出.

A signed overflow is when the carry in of the most significant column does not match the carry out. an unsigned overflow is when the carry out of the msbit is a one.

逻辑上的减法是加法完成的,我们从小学时就知道a-b = a +(-b),并且从编程课上知道,使用二进制取负可以求反,然后加一.很好,这很好,我们可以将第二个操作数求反,并将lsbit的进位求反,使之成为1,或者求反并加1.这就是它的工作原理.有时将进位额从alu倒过来表示借位.您必须查看标志组合才能弄清楚这一点,有些处理器会将进位反转,有些则不要.有时可以通过减法从借位中分辨出您的ISA是否有该指令.

Subtraction in logic is done with addition, we know from grade school that a - b = a + (-b) and we know from programming classes that to take the negative using twos complement you invert and add one. Well that works great we can just invert the second operand and invert the carry in of the lsbit making it a one or invert and add one. And that is how that works. The carry out is sometimes inverted coming out of the alu to indicate a borrow. You have to look at the flag combinations to figure this out, some processors invert the carry out some dont. Can sometimes tell from the subtract with borrow if your ISA has that instruction.

我知道TL:DR ...比您要求的要多.

I know TL:DR...covered more than you asked.