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Visual Studio Code:不同项目的不同颜色主题

更新时间:2022-12-15 19:10:29


// Specifies the color theme used in the workbench.

"workbench.colorTheme": "...……….",

如果您将其放入WORKSPACE SETTINGS"而USER SETTINGS",那么您将获得每个工作区的不同主题.当您打开设置 Ctrl-,(这是一个逗号),然后在右侧编辑器上方您将看到用户设置"和工作区设置",选择工作区设置,然后单击 workbench.colortheme 设置左侧的铅笔图标进行更改.

If you put that into your "WORKSPACE SETTINGS" and not "USER SETTINGS" then you will get different themes for each workspace. When you open your setting Ctrl-, (that's a comma), then above the right-hand editor you will see "USER SETTINGS" and "WORKSPACE SETTINGS", chose the workspace settings and then click on the pencil icon to the left of the workbench.colortheme setting to change it.


If you don't want to change your whole theme just to quickly differentiate workspaces, try some combo of these settings in your WORKSPACE SETTINGS:

"workbench.colorCustomizations": {

  "activityBar.background": "#f00", 
  "titleBar.activeBackground": "#f00",
  "statusBar.background": "#f00"