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Java 8中记忆的无限Fibonacci序列

更新时间:2022-02-06 23:41:02

您可以使用基于地图的memoized fibonacci(x)并从中创建无限流:

You can take your map-based memoized fibonacci(x) and make an infinite stream out of it like this:

LongStream fibs = IntStream.iterate(1, i->i+1).mapToLong(i -> fibonacci(i));


But the easiest way to make an infinite stream of fibonacci numbers is like this:

LongStream fibs = Stream.iterate(
        new long[]{1, 1},
        f -> new long[]{f[1], f[0] + f[1]}
).mapToLong(f -> f[0]);


As the article you linked to points out, "infinite" really means "until long overflows" which happens quickly. If you want to generate hundreds of fibonacci numbers, replace long with BigInteger:

    Stream<BigInteger> bigFibs = Stream.iterate(
            new BigInteger[]{BigInteger.ONE, BigInteger.ONE},
            f -> new BigInteger[]{f[1], f[0].add(f[1])}
    ).map(f -> f[0]);