
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-12-21 14:20:17


We ported a large Rails application to JRuby last year and it was a surprising amount of work. Granted, part of it had to do with the app being rather badly written and having lots of legacy code, but still. In case you wonder: most of our problems came from gems we used, which then sometimes depended on e.g. FFI that didn't properly work with JRuby at that time. A port to Rubinius I did a little later seemed a lot less painful, but was abandoned in favor of staying with MRI.


For the Gemfile, there's a platform option you can use. Here's an example from the Bundler docs:

gem "weakling",   :platforms => :jruby
gem "ruby-debug", :platforms => :mri_18
gem "nokogiri",   :platforms => [:mri_18, :jruby]


platforms :jruby do
  gem "foo"

涉及组的所有操作(捆绑安装,Bundler.setup, Bundler.require)的行为与任何不匹配的组完全相同 当前平台已被明确排除.

All operations involving groups (bundle install, Bundler.setup, Bundler.require) behave exactly the same as if any groups not matching the current platform were explicitly excluded.


As a gem for MySQL I'd use the aptly named mysql, there seems to be a jdbc-mysql for JRuby.