
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-12-30 23:36:12

我认为这是不可能直接实现的,但如果应用程序注册了 uri 方案,您可以对此进行测试.

I think this is not possible directly, but if the apps register uri schemes you could test for that.

一个 URI 方案例如是 Facebook 应用程序的 fb://.您可以在应用程序的 info.plist 中注册它.[UIApplication canOpenURL:url] 会告诉你某个 url 是否会打开.因此,如果测试 fb:// 是否会打开,将表明安装了一个注册了 fb:// 的应用程序 - 这对 facebook 应用程序来说是一个很好的提示.

A URI scheme is for example fb:// for the facebook app. You can register that in the info.plist of your app. [UIApplication canOpenURL:url] will tell you if a certain url will or will not open. So testing if fb:// will open, will indicate that there is an app installed which registered fb:// - which is a good hint for the facebook app.

// check whether facebook is (likely to be) installed or not
if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"fb://"]]) {
    // Safe to launch the facebook app
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"fb://profile/200538917420"]];