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将音频文件添加到主题演讲并将文件上传到 *** 的 Applescript

更新时间:2023-01-07 15:36:51

您基本上想向幻灯片添加配乐,而不是添加文件.不幸的是,我没有看到用 applescript 做到这一点的方法.通常,您可以在 Inspector->Documents->Audio 部分手动执行此操作.我也没有看到 Share->Send To->*** 命令的 applescript 命令.

You basically want to add a soundtrack to the slideshow, not add a file. Unfortunately I do not see a way to do this with applescript. Normally you do this by hand in the Inspector->Documents->Audio section. I also do not see an applescript command for the Share->Send To->*** command either.

似乎您无法通过编写主题演讲来做您想做的任何事情.Keynote 没有那些 applescript 命令.它也没有这些东西的任何键盘快捷键,所以它不能用 GUI 脚本来完成.对不起.

It seems you can't do either of the things you want by applescripting keynote. Keynote doesn't have those applescript commands. It doesn't have any keyboard shortcuts for those things either, so it can't be accomplished with GUI scripting. Sorry.