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右键单击将WPF ContextMenu绑定到3个列表框

更新时间:2022-05-03 02:42:46


You're going in the right direction, you code just needs a bit of updating. First, don't need any right-click handlers -- if a control has a ContextMenu set, right-clicking will invoke that ContextMenu. Having a ContextMenu as a StaticResource and attaching it to multiple controls creates a bit of a problem because of a bug in .NET where a ContextMenu doesn't update its DataContext after initially setting it. That means if you first invoke the menu on listbox #2, you'll get the selected item in that listbox... but if you then invoke it on listbox #3, you'll still get the selected item in listbox #2. But there's a way around this.


First, let's look at the context menu and how it's bound to a list box:

<ContextMenu x:Key="contextMenu" DataContext="{Binding PlacementTarget, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}">
    <MenuItem Header="New" Command="{Binding DataContext.NewFileCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding}"/>
    <MenuItem Header="Delete" Command="{Binding DataContext.DeleteFileCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding SelectedItem}"/>


<ListBox Margin="10" ItemsSource="{Binding Files1}" ContextMenu="{StaticResource contextMenu}"/>


PlacementTarget is the control the ContextMenu is attached to. Explicitly binding the menu's data context to PlacementTarget ensures it's pointing to the correct ListBox every time it's invoked. Commands like "Edit" and "Delete" that deal with list items are then easy: Just bind the CommandParameter (not the CommandTarget as you did) to the ListBox's SelectedItem. The item you want to edit or delete will then be given as a parameter to the command.


Since you used RelayCommand I'm assuming you used GalaSoft's MVVM framework. In that case here's how your "Delete" command might look:

public RelayCommand<object> DeleteFileCommand { get; } = new RelayCommand<object>( DeleteFile_Executed, DeleteFile_CanExecute );

private static bool DeleteFile_CanExecute( object file )
    return file != null;

private static void DeleteFile_Executed( object file )
    var filetype = file.GetType();
    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( string.Format( "Deleting file {0} of type {1}", file, file.GetType() ) );

    // if( filetype == typeof( FileTypeA ) ) DeleteFileTypeA( file as FileTypeA );
    // else if( filetype == typeof( FileTypeB ) ) DeleteFileTypeB( file as FileTypeB );
    // etc...

新建"命令会有些麻烦,因为无论是否选中某个项目,您都希望能够创建一个新项目.因此,我们将CommandParameter绑定到ListBox本身.不幸的是,没有一种很好的方法来获取ListBox所包含的项目的类型.它可能包含多种类型的项目,或者根本不包含任何项目.您可以给它一个x:Name,然后在命令处理程序中查看它的名称,但是我选择做的是将此ListBox处理的项目类型作为ListBoxTag参数. Tag是一些额外的数据,您可以根据自己的喜好使用它们

The "New" command will be a bit tricker because you want to be able to create a new item whether an item is selected or not. So we'll bind the CommandParameter to the ListBox itself. Unfortunately there's not a good way to get the type of item the ListBox contains. It could contain multiple types of items, or no items at all. You could give it an x:Name then look at the name in your command handler, but what I choose to do is put the type of item this ListBox handles as the Tag parameter of the ListBox. Tag is a bit of extra data you can use for whatever purpose you like:

<ListBox Margin="10" ItemsSource="{Binding Files1}" ContextMenu="{StaticResource contextMenu}" Tag="{x:Type local:FileTypeA}"/>


Now we can define our "New" command handlers like this:

private static bool NewFile_CanExecute( ListBox listbox ) { return true; }

private static void NewFile_Executed( ListBox listbox )
    var filetype = listbox.Tag as Type;

    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine( string.Format( "Creating new file of type {0}", filetype ) );

    // if( filetype == typeof( FileTypeA ) ) CreateNewFileTypeA();
    // else if( filetype == typeof( FileTypeB ) ) CreateNewFileTypeB();
    // etc...


As for whether this scenario warrants an MVVM or not, you can certainly put your three file lists in a ViewModel, along with code that actually creates, edits, and deletes the files, and have your commands in the Window invoke the code in the ViewModel. I usually don't, though, until the scenario becomes more complicated.