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更新时间:2023-01-29 22:36:21

你可以使用 LinqKit 为此:

  var expr = PredicateBuilder.False< Deal>(); 
expr = expr.Or(d => dt.CloseDate> = range.Start&& dt.CloseDate< range.End);
deals = deals.AsExpandable()。Where(expr);


I have an IEnumerable of a class that I created to contain date ranges. That class looks like this:

public class Range<T>
    where T: struct 
    public T Start { get; set; }
    public T End { get; set; }

I want to find all the records in my set where a date column falls within ANY of the specified date ranges. This was my attempt:

deals = deals.Where(
            deal =>
                  dt =>
                    deal.CloseDate >= dt.Start &&
                    deal.CloseDate < dt.End.Value.AddDays(1)));

This throws an error I assume because EF doesn't know how to translate criteria.DateRanges.Any() to SQL. So how would you write this to find dates that match ANY of the date ranges?

You can use LinqKit for this:

var expr = PredicateBuilder.False<Deal>();
foreach(var range in criteria.DateRanges)
   expr = expr.Or(d => dt.CloseDate >= range.Start && dt.CloseDate < range.End);
deals = deals.AsExpandable().Where(expr);

Another option would be to use Expression Trees but that seems a bit overkill for what you're trying to do.