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如何在 Visual Studio 2012 中配置 kdiff3

更新时间:2023-01-30 21:38:25

您应该能够在下拉列表中选择 KDiff3.通常你不需要手动配置 AnkhSVN 来使用 KDiff3.然而,似乎在 AnkhSVN 中自动检测是否安装了 KDiff3 被破坏了.尝试使用

You should be able to choose KDiff3 in the dropdown. Normally you are not required to configure AnkhSVN to use KDiff3 manually. However it seems that automatic detection of whether KDiff3 is installed is broken in AnkhSVN. Tried with

  • Visual Studio 2013,
  • AnkhSVN 2.5.12471.17,
  • KDiff 0.9.98(32 位和 64 位).


我可以通过单击 ... 并用完整的宏 "$(ProgramFiles)\KDiff3.exe" 替换路径来解决这个问题文件系统上 KDiff3.exe 可执行文件的路径.

I'm able to solve this by clicking on ... and replacing the path with the macros "$(ProgramFiles)\KDiff3.exe" with the complete path to KDiff3.exe executable on filesystem.