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使用mysql而不是sql server

更新时间:2023-02-03 07:45:04

是的,您可以在C#Windows应用程序中使用mySql,相同Web应用程序中可以使用的方式-甚至代码和过程也相同.但是每台运行该应用程序的Windows PC都必须有权访问MySql服务器,就像Web服务器必须使用站点运行MySql一样.

哪个是***"?我更喜欢Sql Server,纯粹是基于Sql Server Management Studio的质量-我感到所有MySql的免费工具都有些垃圾. SqlYOG除外,只是现在是有限的免费版本和付费的适当"产品.
Yes you can use mySql in C# windows app, the same way you can in a web application - even the code and the process is the same. But each Windows PC running the app must have access to a MySql server, in the same way that the web server runnign a MySql using site must.

Which is "best"? I prefer Sql Server, purely on the quality of the Sql Server Management Studio - all the free tools for MySql were a bit rubbish, I felt. SqlYOG excepted, only that is now a limited free version and a pay-for "proper" product.


http://www.mysql.com/products/connector/ [
Use the .net connector to connect to MySQL.


"Better" is subjective. Pros and cons either way, and this isn''t the right forum to debate.
