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SQL Server 在关键字传递字符串数组查询中使用

更新时间:2023-02-06 13:45:54

在 SQL Server 2016+ 中:使用 string_split 内置函数.请注意,不再需要额外的单引号:

In SQL Server 2016+: using string_split built in function. Please note, that extra single quotes are not necessary anymore:

DECLARE @setting varchar(max)

set @setting ='Sales Entry Grid Cursor,Customer Mandatory,Column Uom,Show Marka,Show Discount Amount In Grid,Show Discount % In Grid,Calculation based on Weight *rate'

Select pageconfig_action from [RetailSoft].[dbo].[tbl_pageconfig] 
Where [PageConfig_settingsName] in(SELECT value FROM string_split(@setting, ',') )
 and PageConfig_CompanyId=1

如果您运行的 SQL Server 早于 SQL 2016,@GuidoG 的答案是一种更可取的方法

If you run SQL Server older than SQL 2016, the answer of @GuidoG is a preferable method