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如何摆脱SQL Server 2005和C#应用程序中的死锁?

更新时间:2023-02-06 22:52:10


I can't see any explicit transaction scope in your code, so I do not know what locks are already in place when you are doing your update; also it is not clear what isolation level you are using. But the most common scenario in this type of situation is that earlier in the same transaction you have issued a select (read lock) on the same rows that you are trying to update later. This will cause a lock escalation, and can result in a deadlock if two transactions are trying to do the same thing:

  1. 事务A:选择具有读取锁定

  2. 事务B:选择具有读取

  3. 事务A:更新-希望将其读取锁定升级为

  4. 事务B:更新-希望将其读取锁定升级为

  1. Transaction A: select with read lock
  2. Transaction B: select with read lock
  3. Transaction A: update - wants to escalate its read lock to a write lock, but has to wait for transaction B to release its read lock
  4. Transaction B: update - wants to escalate its read lock to a write lock, but has to wait for transaction A to release its read lock.


Bingo! deadlock as both A and B are waiting on each other to release their existing read locks before they can do their update.


To prevent this you need an updlock hint in your select, e.g.,

select * from table with (updlock) where blah blah


This will ensure your select uses a write lock instead of a read lock, which will prevent lock escalation between concurrent transactions.