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Office365 REST v1.0 API日历不返回重复

更新时间:2023-02-07 22:55:33

感谢您对Office 365 REST API的关注.您是正确的,在V1.0中,事件的GET返回单实例会议和系列主文件,并且不会扩展系列.我们有两种扩大复发率的方法.我们刚刚检查了一下,似乎文档丢失了,我们将尽快对其进行更新.在此期间,以下是应解除阻止您的信息:

Thanks for your interest in Office 365 REST APIs. You are correct that, in V1.0, GET on events returns single instance meetings and series masters, and doesn't expand series. We have two ways to expand recurrences. We just checked and it looks like that documentation is missing and we will update it ASAP. In the meantime, here is the info that should unblock you:


CalendarView: You can use this API to get list of all events (single instances and occurrences of series) for a given timeframe. Timeframe is specified in UTC, so you have to ask for the right times based on your user's time zone. Time zone support is high on our priority list and will be coming soon. Here is an example request to fetch list of events for October 1-31 PDT:


Please note: We are in the process of fixing a bug where navigating the "next" link in the response doesn't work, but a fix is already on its way.

特定会议系列的实例:您可以使用此API在指定时间段内扩展特定会议系列.再一次,时间在UTC.这是扩展特定会议系列以获取PDT 10月1日至31日实例列表的示例:

Instances of a Specific Meeting Series: You can use this API to expand a specific meeting series for a specified time period. Once again, times are in UTC. Here is an example to expand a specific meeting series to get list of instances for October 1-31 PDT:


Please let me know if you have any questions or need more info.

