
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-15 11:02:19

What you need to do is invoke the PasteSpecial "Keep Source Formatting and Embed Workbook".

Assume you have already created the charts, and the slides, placeholders/etc., and you have already copied the chart and navigated to the destination slide, and that you have an object like PPTApp to represent the PowerPoint.Application object.

Instead of using the Shapes.PasteSpecial method, you can do this:

PPTApp.CommandBars.ExecuteMso "PasteExcelChartSourceFormatting"

This does not create a link to the Excel document, it embeds a local copy of the document in the PowerPoint Presentation. I think I understand this is your requirement.

Update from comments

Documentation on the ExecuteMso method:


Downloadable document containing the idMSO parameters for each Office Application:


NOTE: If you want to do something with the pasted chart after .ExecuteMso you may need to check if the shape is already pasted because .ExcecuteMso is asynchronous (the macro doesn't know when it's finished). Another question shows you how to wait for its completion .