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Net Core 2.0 AmazonServiceException:找不到凭证

更新时间:2023-02-16 11:25:21

所以当我们使用 AWS SDK 时,我们需要设置并提供一个 AWS 访问密钥 &一个密钥.从我所遇到的情况来看,它并没有直接从应用程序设置中读取.所以我发现下面是您可以设置这些凭据的两种工作方法.

方法一 - 使用凭证文件


[默认]aws_access_key_id = 你的 id 放在这里aws_secret_access_key = 您的密码在此处


创建上述文件后,您需要在 Appsettings.json 文件中指定相同的内容为:

"AWS": {配置文件":默认","ProfilesLocation": "C:\filelocation\awscredentials","区域": "us-east-1",}

方法二 - 设置和读取环境变量


Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", Configuration["AWS:AwsId"]);Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", Configuration["AWS:AwsPassword"]);Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("AWS_REGION", Configuration["AWS:Region"]);

并从我们的 appSettings.json 文件中读取这些变量:

AWS": {"区域": "us-east-1",AwsId":xxxx",AwsPassword":xxxx"}

I have the following code:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // AWS Options
    var awsOptions = Configuration.GetAWSOptions();

    var client = awsOptions.CreateServiceClient<IAmazonDynamoDB>();
    var dynamoDbOptions = new DynamoDbOptions();
    ConfigurationBinder.Bind(Configuration.GetSection("DynamoDbTables"), dynamoDbOptions);

    services.AddScoped<IDynamoDbManager<MyModel>>(provider => new DynamoDbManager<MyModel>(client, dynamoDbOptions.MyModel));

public class DynamoDbManager<T> : DynamoDBContext, IDynamoDbManager<T> where T : class
    private DynamoDBOperationConfig _config;

    public DynamoDbManager(IAmazonDynamoDB client, string tableName) : base(client)
        _config = new DynamoDBOperationConfig()
            OverrideTableName = tableName

My Appsettings.json is as:

    "AWS": {
        "Region": "us-east-1",
        "AwsId": "xxx",
        "AwsPassword": "xxx"
    "DynamoDbTables": {
        "MyModel": "MyTable"

When I run my code I am getting the error:

AmazonServiceException: Unable to find credentials

Exception 1 of 3: Amazon.Runtime.AmazonClientException: Unable to find the 'default' profile in CredentialProfileStoreChain. at Amazon.Runtime.FallbackCredentialsFactory.GetAWSCredentials(ICredentialProfileSource source) in E:JenkinsWorkspacesv3-trebuchet-releaseAWSDotNetPublicsdksrcCoreAmazon.RuntimeCredentialsFallbackCredentialsFactory.cs:line 72

Exception 2 of 3: System.InvalidOperationException: The environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID/AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY/AWS_SESSION_TOKEN were not set with AWS credentials.

Exception 3 of 3: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: An error occurred while sending the request. ---> System.Net.Http.WinHttpException: The operation timed out at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()

I have tried many things but not getting this to work.

I have tried:

Setting up profile as: Amazon.Runtime.AmazonServiceException: Unable to find credentials

And also tried settingup of environment variables:


But still cannot get past this error.

So when we are using AWS SDK we need to setup and provide an AWS access key & a secret key. And from what I have come across it does not read directly from the app settings. So I found below are the two working methods with which you can set these credentials.

Method 1 - Using Credentials file

You can create a credentials file and store your credentials there. Below is the format of the file.

aws_access_key_id = your id goes here
aws_secret_access_key = your password goes here

In above file, "default" is the name of your profile.

After creating the above file you need to specify the same in Appsettings.json file as:

"AWS": {
    "Profile": "default",
    "ProfilesLocation": "C:\filelocation\awscredentials",
    "Region": "us-east-1",

Method 2 - Setting and Reading from Environment Variables

We can setup the environment variables in our startup.cs file as below:

Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", Configuration["AWS:AwsId"]);
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", Configuration["AWS:AwsPassword"]);
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("AWS_REGION", Configuration["AWS:Region"]); 

And read these variables from our appSettings.json file as:

AWS": {
        "Region": "us-east-1",
        "AwsId": "xxxx",
        "AwsPassword": "xxxx"